Pe 12 august 2015, 17:01:47 EEST,
S-a schimbat titlul în Natural Areaa under protection (anterior Fondul ariilor naturale protejate de stat)
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Descrierea Natural Areaa under protection a fost actualizată de la
Ariile naturale protejate de stat sunt spaţii naturale, delimitate geografic, cu elemente naturale reprezentative şi rare, desemnate şi reglementate în scopul conservării şi protecţiei tuturor factorilor de mediu din limitele lor. Fondul ariilor protejate reprezintă totalitatea ariilor naturale, a obiectelor şi a complexelor naturale protejate de stat. Crearea şi funcţionarea fondului ariilor naturale protejate de stat, principiile, mecanismul şi modul lui de conservare, precum şi atribuţiile autorităţilor publice centrale şi locale, ale organizaţiilor neguvernamentale şi ale cetăţenilor în acest domeniu sunt reglementate prin Legea nr. 1538 din 25.02.1998 cu privire la fondul ariilor naturaleprotejate de stat.
laThe indicator shows the proportion of the whole designated areas in the total country area and by the categories, under national legislation. Units of measure - Km2, %. Targets to be acheived Extending of the natural protected areast to 8% from the total coutry area Extending of the afforested areas 15% from the total coutry area. The assessment of the data presented in the Table 1 shows that the share of total protected areas in the coutry area grows constantly (see also Figure 1 and Figure 2). So, untill 2005 it represented 1,96%. Due to the fact that in 2006 3 wetlands of international importance has beed declared protected areas, in particular the Lower Prut Lakes (Cahul), Lower Dniester (Causeni, Stefan Voda) and Unguri-Holosnita (Ocnita, Donduseni, Soroca), the share of total protected area growth to 4,76%. Comparing with the period 2006-2012, in 2013 the total surface of natural areas under protection growth with 338 km2 and reprsent 5,76% from the total country area. This increase is due to the fact that in 2013 the National Park Orhei has been created. Republic of Moldova do not use the IUCN clasification of the protected areas. A national clasifiation is used. There are 12 categories of the natural protected areas. The categories and they surfaces are presented in the Table 2. The analysis of the last available data shows that the biggest share of different categories has Wetlands of International Importance with a surface of 947,055km2 which is 49% of the total surface of protected areas. Wetlands of International Importance are followed by Landscape Reservations with 342 km2 (18% from the total surface of protected areas) and National Parks with surface 337,921 km2 (17% from the total surface of protected areas) (see Figure 3 and 4). Also, protected areas can be visualized using the GIS map. Click on the link The used methodology of calculationof this indicator is a national one and is set-out in the Regulation on the procedure for establishing the protected area regime (Government Dcision # 803 from 19.06.2002).
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