Pe 12 august 2015, 17:45:04 EEST,
S-a schimbat titlul în Emissions of Greenhouse Gases (anterior Date cu privire la emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera)
Descrierea Emissions of Greenhouse Gases a fost actualizată de la
Seturile conţin informaţie cu privire la emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră. Procesul de inventariere a gazelor cu efect de seră este organizat de către Ministerul Mediului, prin intermediului Oficiului Schimbarii Climei. Datele obţinute sunt folosite la elaborarea Raportului Naţional de Inventariere (ultimul fiind pentru perioada 1990-2010), care poate fi gasit accesind urmatorul link În Raport sunt prezentate sursele de emisii şi sechestrare a gazelor cu efect de seră în Republica Moldova. Raportul mai prezintă interpretări ale datelor, tendinţele şi metodologia de calculare a indicatorilor. La fel, datele au fost folosite la elaborarea Strategiei de dezvoltare cu emisii reduse a Republicii Moldova pînă în anul 2020. Emisiile de diferite GES sunt prezentate în tone de echivalent CO2 (CO2 echivalent) în total și pe sectoare economice. La fel sunt prezentate date în mii de tone pe km pătrat din teritoriul țării, în tone pe cap de locuitor și în tone pe unitatea de PIB.
laThe indicator shows the quantities of greenhouse gas emissions into atmosphere on national level. The emissions are presented by greenhouse gas type. The indicator provides information on emissions in the following sectors: energy, industrial processes and solvents, agriculture, waste and net removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). Annual aggregated GHG per capita, per km2 and per unit of GDP. Units of measure Mt/year CO2 equivalent. Targets Targets to be acheived - To reduce, to not less than 25% compared to the base year (1990), the total national level of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, by implementing economic mechanisms focused on global climate change mitigation, in accordance with the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The base year for Republic of Moldova is 1990. The inventory data presents that for base year the total emissions of GHG in CO2 equivalent are 43,25 without net removals from LULUCF sector and 36,08 aggregated emissions including emissions/removals from LULUCF. For 1991-2010 (the last Inventory data) the net GHG emissions without/with removals decrease respectively from 43,26/36,08 Mt/year CO2 equivalent to 13,28/13,30 Mt/year CO2 equivalent compared with base year. This constitutes a reducing of GHG emissions with 31% and respectively 37% comparing with base year (see Figure 1). Table 1 presents the aggregated emissions (without and with LULUCF sector), the main GHG emissions and the share of the total emissions compare with the base year. The analysis of the inventory presents that for the base year the big share of GHG type has CO2 emission (81%), followed by CH4 emissions (11%) and N2O emissions (8%). The trend is the same for the next years. So, in 2010 the share of CO2 emissions continue to be the highest (67%), CH4 emissions are the second with 20% and the third one are N2O emissions with 12% share from total emissions. The difference between 1990 and 2010 is the share from total emissions between these GHG. During 1990-2010 the share of CO2 emissions decreases, while the share of CH4 and NO2 increase. Nevertheless, during 1990-2010 the emissions of GHG decrease: CO2 emissions with 25,2%, CH4 with 58,39% and N2O with 48,49%. Halocarbons emissions (HFCs, PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ) emissions have been registered in the Republic of Moldova starting with 1995. This year is considered as a reference year for F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6). Evolution of these emissions denotes a steady trend towards increase in the last years, though their share in the total national emissions structure is insignificant. The analysis of the inventory presents that for the base year the big share of GHG type has CO2 emission (81%), followed by CH4 emissions (11%) and N2O emissions (8%). The trend is the same for the next years. So, in 2010 the share of CO2 emissions continue to be the highest (67%), CH4 emissions are the second with 20% and the third one are N2O emissions with 12% share from total emissions. The difference between 1990 and 2010 is the share from total emissions between these GHG. During 1990-2010 the share of CO2 emissions decreases, while the share of CH4 and NO2 increase. Nevertheless, during 1990-2010 the emissions of GHG decrease: CO2 emissions with 25,2%, CH4 with 58,39% and N2O with 48,49%. (see Figure 2) Halocarbons emissions (HFCs, PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ) emissions have been registered in the Republic of Moldova starting with 1995. This year is considered as a reference year for F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6). Evolution of these emissions denotes a steady trend towards increase in the last years, though their share in the total national emissions structure is insignificant. The observed sectors in inventory are energy sector, industrial process, solvent and other product use, agriculture, land use, land use change, forestry and waste. The total GHG emissions by sectors are presented in Table 2 and Figure 3. In general, Energy Sector has the greatest contribution to national GHG emissions, with an average share of 69% in 1990 and 67% in 2010 (see Figure 4 and Figure 5). Agriculture Sector was the second sector contributor with an average share of 10%, followed by Industrial Processes with average share of 4% for 1990. The trend of the share of different sectors for 2010 has changed and Idustrial Processes has been replaced by Waste Sector with a share of 12% from the total emissions. Figure 6 shows that starting with 1992 till 2005 there was a reduction of total GHG emissions from the Waste Sector. This trend is explained by the economic decline that occurred in the Republic of Moldova during the period under review, by a significant drop in the wellbeing of population, and respectively, capacity to generate solid and other types of wastes. At the same time, starting with 2006, there has been a clear growing trend of direct GHG emissions from the Waste Sector. The main indicator for the assessment of the GHG emissions in the international aspects are GHG per capita. The emission of GHG per capita decrease from 8,3 tons CO2 equivalent in 1990 to 3,3 tons CO2 equivalent in 2010. The lower level was during 2007 – 2.13 tons CO2 equivalent per capita (see Figure 7). For comparison the average European level of this indicator is 9.4 tons CO2 equivalent per capita in 2013. The emission of the GHG are directly linked with economic growth of the country, because with increasion of economic activity the consumption of energy and resources increase to. For the period 1990 to 2010 agregated GHG emissions per unit of GDP decrease from 3.6 tons CO2 equivalent to 2.3 tons CO2 equivalent. Between 1990 to 2007 emissions of GDP in the most European countries decrease for more than 30%. The trend in the aggregated GHG emissions per km2 is the same as the trends of GHG emission per capita and per GDP (see Figure 7) Used methodology: To calculate GHG emissions as well as GHG inventories, the methodology provided by UNFCCC/IPCC is used. Methodology is based on the calculation of GHGs as a product from the rate of activity for individual sectors and emission factors. The national inventory is structured to match the reporting requirement of the UNFCCC and is divided into six main sectors: (1) Energy, (2) Industrial Processes, (3) Solvents and Other Products Use, (4) Agriculture, (5) Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry and (6) Waste.
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